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Ambulatory EEG

Ambulatory EEG | Neurology Center of Las Vegas

What is an ambulatory EEG test?

This test is similar to that of the EEG monitoring test and records the patterns of electrical changes both normal and abnormal, from the millions of nerve cells in the brain. The Ambulatory EEG monitoring test gives patients the capability to walk around and carry on normally while recordings are being made. The test is not harmful and is painless. This test typically lasts 3 to 4 days.

Preparing for the Ambulatory EEG monitoring test.

Prior to the ambulatory EEG test, you should:

Wash your hair the night before using only shampoo and water. Do not use styling aids such as hair gels, mousse, hairspray, or oils of any kind. These products can interfere with the electrodes and limit the usefulness of the test.

Eat normally and take your regularly scheduled medications as prescribed by your doctor.

Wear shirts that button or zipper so they can be removed without passing over your head. Once the electrodes are in place it will be difficult to take off your shirt over your head if you cannot unbutton or unzip them.

Electrode Application

You will be given a time and location to report for the application of the electrodes. During this time the electrodes will be placed on your head and the recording of the brain activity will start. The electrodes used in this test are small metal disks placed on the skin by the EEG technologist in a simple procedure, which should take approximately 1 hour. A paste or clue will be used to stick the electrodes to your scalp. A gauze wrap is then used to keep the electrodes and wires together out of your way.

Please note the following:

Children having the test should have a parent or guardian with them throughout the entire electrode application procedure.
If you do not speak English it would be helpful to arrange for a translator to accompany you to the test.

You may bring with you a hat or scarf to wear over the head wrap once the electrode application has been completed.

The Ambulatory EEG Test

Once the electrodes have been applied to your scalp they will be connected to a small computer that you will be taking home with you. The computer is small enough to be easily carried. It is placed in a sack that can be slung over the shoulder. The technologist will go over the operation of the device. This is a good time to ask any questions that you may have thought of, you will be going home with the electrode head wrap and computer. A typical test will last 4 days (3 nights).

Please note the following:

  • Do not under any circumstances take a shower while the test is in progress. You may wash from the neck down with a washcloth. Be careful not to get any water into the computer.
  • No gum chewing during the test.
  • No tampering of any kind with the computer or electrodes.
  • Do not drop the computer.
  • You will be provided with an Event Calendar that needs to be filled out in the event of any episodes. Recording the date and time of the event along with a brief description of what occurred is extremely important.
  • The technologist will discuss the event button. This is a small button on the side of the computer that should be pressed in the event of an episode. By pressing the is button the physician reviewing the study will know exactly when the episode occurred and will be able to see what changes occurred on the EEG.

Completion of the Test

The technologist will inform you of when and where to return for the removal of the electrodes and computer. The Event Calendar should be returned at this time as well.

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