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Dementia | Neurology Center of Las Vegas

Dementia is one of the most challenging conditions, causing worsening confusion, memory loss, and other cognitive difficulties. If you're starting to suffer from symptoms of dementia, neurologist Shanker Dixit, MD, at Neurology Center of Las Vegas in Las Vegas, Nevada, can help. Dr. Dixit has extensive experience supporting patients with Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia using the most up-to-date treatments. To benefit from his expertise, call Neurology Center of Las Vegas to schedule a consultation or book an appointment online today.


Dementia is a symptom of diseases that affect your cognitive abilities, such as memory and concentration, so severely it interferes with your everyday life. The primary types of dementia are:

  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Frontotemporal disorders
  • Vascular dementia
  • Lewy body dementia

The likeliest cause of dementia is Alzheimer's disease, responsible for up to 70% of cases.


Memory problems are the most well-known symptom of dementia. Other signs include:

  • Confusion
  • Disorientation
  • Difficulties problem solving
  • Visual disturbances
  • Personality changes
  • Problems judging distance and time
  • Tending to wander or get lost
  • Difficulties finding or using the right words
  • Increasing social isolation
  • Depression and mood swings

Symptoms like aggression and hallucinations can also affect some people with dementia. Loss of physical function typically occurs in the later stages of the disease.


Dr. Dixit performs a physical exam and asks you to complete some cognitive and neuropsychological tests to diagnose your condition. 

These tests assess your memory, problem-solving ability, use of language, and attention. In addition, Dr. Dixit may need to speak to your family members or friends to find out about any changes in your behavior.

The signs of dementia are evident to an experienced neurologist like Dr. Dixit. 

To confirm the diagnosis, find out which type of dementia you have, and assess its progress, you may need to undergo an MRI scan or a positron emission tomography (PET) scan to view your brain activity. In addition, laboratory tests can rule out other possible causes like vitamin deficiencies.


Dementia due to chronic conditions like Alzheimer's disease is incurable, but Dr. Dixit's expert treatment can help slow down the disease’s rate of progression and help you manage your symptoms.

Medications called cholinesterase inhibitors can help with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease symptoms, while NMDA (N-Methyl-D-aspartate) antagonists can treat moderate to severe Alzheimer's. Both these medications enable you to continue with normal daily living for longer.

Reducing your blood pressure and cholesterol levels can prove beneficial if you've got vascular dementia due to diseased blood vessels. There are also various treatments to help with behavioral changes and improve your sleep patterns. Physical and occupational therapy techniques can help keep patients’ minds and bodies active.

Science continues to research prevention and treatment options for dementia, and Dr. Dixit conducts research trials for Alzheimer's disease at Neurology Center of Las Vegas. To schedule a consultation, call the office or book an appointment online today.

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